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In a article published on February 1, Les Echos takes stock of the current state and potential of the waste heat recovery sector in France. The comprehensive, well-documented article is based in particular on the study published in June 2018 by ADEME, which linked sources of recovered heat, and local heat networks. In particular, the geographical approach was at the heart of this work, which was deciphered by the technical coordinator of its writing, Marina Boucher, during the renewable heat week, organized last December in Paris by Amorce, and during which Kyotherm spoke on several topics.

Kyotherm’s technical, legal and financial skills highlighted in waste heat projects

Les Echos underlines the complexity of waste heat projects, linked to the multiplicity of legal, technical and financial aspects involved. In particular, they highlight Kyotherm’s positioning, which combines the skills needed to optimize the set-up of such waste heat recovery projects.

Excerpt from L’exploitation de la chaleur fatale arrive doucement à température dans l’industrie (Les Echos, Feb. 1, 2019)

Waste heat can give manufacturers plenty to do. Yet those who take the plunge are still few and far between, as its deposit is far from being exploitable everywhere under economically viable conditions. Only 17 TWh are within reasonable distance of a heating network, the most reliable outlet. In contrast, the profitability of an on-site heat recovery project, for the benefit of an industrial process, is acquired in two years.

“Decision-making is not easy, as these are often complex operations. Manufacturers rarely go it alone”, says Marina Boucher. Companies like Kyotherm […] are positioning themselves in this market, whose approach requires solid technical and legal skills.