ADEME celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Fonds Chaleur. Over a hundred companies (including Kyotherm and Boortmalt) and local authorities gathered in Parçay Meslay on October 8, 2019 at the Maison des Sports to attend the presentation of the “regional inventory of heat networks”. The opportunity to exchange and benefit from retours d’expérience, of all sizes and sectors from project owners who have converted to renewable heat over the past 10 years.
To celebrate this anniversary, regional trophies were awarded for the various “Renewable Energies” sectors supported by the Fonds Chaleur (managed by ADEME) to the winners. The ceremony was attended by Rémi Chabrillat, ADEME’s National Director for Production and Energy, and Mohamed Amjahdi, Director of ADEME Centre-Val de Loire.
Kyotherm and Boortmalt are among the 12 prizewinners. See below the video presenting the Issoudun solar thermal power plant project. In particular, Mélissa Chauvière, manager of the Issoudun malting plant, and Rémi Cuer, investment officer at Kyotherm, explain below the technical choices made for the site, and detail the broad outlines of the project.
If, as at Kyotherm, we manage to optimize the cost of financing, we can achieve very competitive energies. (Rémi Cuer)