Circular economy: the equivalent of 1,150 homes in Saint Chély d’Apcher now heated using energy recovered from the ArcelorMittal site
June 5, 2018 – The heat generated by the ArcelorMittal Saint Chély d’Apcher plant now supplies the heating network of the town of Saint Chély d’Apcher in Lozère. The connection comes after several months’ work, as part of a collective project led by Kyotherm. This investment, worth a total of 5.6 million euros, was supported by the ADEME and the Occitanie Region. It will reduce CO2 emissions from the plant and the city’s heating network by over 4,000 tonnes a year, equivalent to taking around 2,000 new cars off the road. As part of World Environment Day, the connection is officially inaugurated today*.