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Press release dated September 25, 2012 – Kyotherm becomes the renewable energy supplier for a 200-unit housing development in Germany

Kyotherm, the expert in financing and project management for renewable heat and energy efficiency projects, is exporting its know-how and innovative business model to Germany, with the signing of several contracts for the supply of renewable energy, worth €7 million. By entering the German market, the most advanced in renewable energies, Kyotherm is demonstrating the relevance and efficiency of its offer.nnKyotherm will supply around 3 GWh of renewable heat annually, produced mainly from geothermal energy, to a group of residences, public buildings and office spaces, for a total of 200 housing equivalents and an installed capacity of 1. 7 MW.nnKyotherm has partnered for these projects with designer, builder and operator INNAX, a consultancy specializing in environmental solutions for the building industry.

Arnaud Susplugas, President of KYOTHERM:  “The German renewable energy market is a few years ahead of France, and it was important for Kyotherm to demonstrate the relevance of its offering in this market. What’s more, against a backdrop of dwindling public subsidies, the completion of these renewable energy projects without any public subsidies demonstrates that, thanks to Kyotherm’s high-performance offering, renewable energies can already be competitive with fossil fuels today.”

About Kyotherm

Kyotherm provides financing, management and project management for renewable heat production projects and works with project owners (developers, installers, design offices, heat users, …) to reduce the cost, risk and complexity of these renewable heat and energy-saving projects. In particular, Kyotherm aims to co-develop and finance thermal energy production projects based on biomass and geothermal energy, two energies whose cost price can now be competitive with fossil fuels (fuel oil, gas, etc.).